About the issue
December 2013 (published: 02.12.2013)
Number 4(15)
Etymology of the term "lower middle class"
Nesterov A.I.
Abstract. In persisting article on the base of the theories semantic category is given analysis of the possibility revision notions of the logical form of the forming the term "lower middle class", for revealing which necessary instruction semantic category logical constants and term. The Hierarchy semantic category prescribed in base of the formalized language, conditions the way of the analysis of the logical structure of the expressions of this language and hereunder possible ways of the discourse and explanations of the genesis of the term "lower middle class" from notion "place".
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Keywords: lower middle class, petty bourgeois society, petty bourgeois class, petty bourgeoisie, lower middle, small town, together.
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UDC 81.373.612
Etymology of the term "lower middle class"
Abstract. In persisting article on the base of the theories semantic category is given analysis of the possibility revision notions of the logical form of the forming the term "lower middle class", for revealing which necessary instruction semantic category logical constants and term. The Hierarchy semantic category prescribed in base of the formalized language, conditions the way of the analysis of the logical structure of the expressions of this language and hereunder possible ways of the discourse and explanations of the genesis of the term "lower middle class" from notion "place".
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Keywords: lower middle class, petty bourgeois society, petty bourgeois class, petty bourgeoisie, lower middle, small town, together.