About the issue
September 2013 (published: 02.09.2013)
Number 3(14)
On the use of characteristics specific for gas discharge induced by the electron-optical emission of the environmental object
Pozniak S.S.
Abstract. The paper presents the results of research to develop new approaches to assess the level of contamination of surface and ground water, precipitation and plant objects using characteristics specific for gas discharge induced by electron-optical emission of an object placed in an electromagnetic field of high intensity. The paper also demonstrates a possibility of application of gas discharge visualization in the environmental study, based on the static measures of the electromagnetic fields. The regularities: the greater the level of environmental contamination, the greater glow area of the environmental objects and the average intensity of their glow. For surface waters, the most informative indicators of their condition are the distribution glow area, entropy and fractal contours along the isoline.
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Keywords: gas discharge visualization, GDV-grams parameters, fractal, entropy, glow intensity, resource adaptation.
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UDC 504.064:631.416.9
On the use of characteristics specific for gas discharge induced by the electron-optical emission of the environmental object
Abstract. The paper presents the results of research to develop new approaches to assess the level of contamination of surface and ground water, precipitation and plant objects using characteristics specific for gas discharge induced by electron-optical emission of an object placed in an electromagnetic field of high intensity. The paper also demonstrates a possibility of application of gas discharge visualization in the environmental study, based on the static measures of the electromagnetic fields. The regularities: the greater the level of environmental contamination, the greater glow area of the environmental objects and the average intensity of their glow. For surface waters, the most informative indicators of their condition are the distribution glow area, entropy and fractal contours along the isoline.
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Keywords: gas discharge visualization, GDV-grams parameters, fractal, entropy, glow intensity, resource adaptation.