Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2014 (published: 11.06.2014)

Number 2(17)

Home > Issue > Model of estimate of the resources reserve in the formation of an innovative program of development of industrial infrastructure

UDC 681.3: 629.17

Model of estimate of the resources reserve in the formation of an innovative program of development of industrial infrastructure

Yakovleva A.V., Iskanderov Y.M.

Abstract. Distribution and control of consumption of various resources (financial, material, labor, energy, etc.) are playing  the special role in organizing and planning the development of innovative programs of industrial infrastructure. Management staff should be responsible for defining the major risk factors of innovative enterprise projects and perform estimation the level of risk of innovative projects in according to approved methods and models and perform other functions. This article about a model that allows to implement one of the approaches to the problem of estimating the amount and structure of reserve resources in the formation of an innovative program of development of industrial infrastructure, taking into account factors of structural and parametric uncertainty.The principles of this approach were outlined. Description of solvable problem and an algorithm of its solution were outlined. In order to demonstrate the capabilities of the algorithm shows an example.Using the proposed algorithm will allow to reasonably consider the negative impact of the uncertainty of realization of innovative development programs and to predict possible risks. This algorithm has a high adaptability to the source data of the task and to the functional relationships of the used parameters. This property makes it possible to implement it with maximum effect in intelligent decision support systems.

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Keywords: innovative programdevelopment, industrialinfrastructure, risk management, reserve resources, uncertainty, reliability, failure, the model of estimate.

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