Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2014 (published: 11.06.2014)

Number 2(17)

Home > Issue > Information technologies in educational process

UDC 378

Information technologies in educational process

Yuryeva L.V.

Abstract. Information-based society resulted in information-based higher education system. Competitiveness of the university consequently depends oninformation technologies being involved into the process of learning at the university. Different e-tests forborderline control for first year all specialization bachelors of non-language institute were performed to be used in the nearest future, they being performed according to programme text books of Dmitrenko N.A. «English language, Practical grammar, study guide», St-Petersburg, St-Petersburg State University of Cryogenic and Food Technologies, 2007; Dmitrenko N.A., Serebryanskaya A.G., «English language, Engineering Sciences, study guide», St-Petersburg, St-Petersburg State University of Cryogenic and Food Technologies, 2008. There are two demonstrating e -tests – 40 questions and two checking   e -tests for 1 and 2 models for first year bachelors of different specializations -160 questions. Usage of information technologies in specialists’ training at the university is considered to encourage formation of interest in a learned subject and to increase knowledge activity of students and also to strengthen their motivation due to the fact that young people get to know and use information technologies much better than adults. In conclusion one should note that the further efficiency increase  of  the process of learningcan be ensured considering the following circumstances: 1 )individual and differential approach to selecting the content of the learning course taking into account future specialization and  individual skills of students; 2) the coincidence of e -tests and the educational programme; 3 )solving some managerial problems.  information technologies, priority, English language, competitiveness, aspects. 

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Keywords: information technologies, priority, English, competitive aspect.

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