About the issue
June 2014 (published: 11.06.2014)
Number 2(17)
Problems of teaching economic theory at technical university
Khaykin M.M. , Bazzhina V.A.
Abstract. The article considers a range of issues on ideology, organization, technologies and methods of teaching economics to the students of engineering departments of technical universities in the 21st century in Russia in the context of globalization and integration into the world economy. It gives detailed information concerning the evolution and tradition of engineering education in Russia. Much attention is given to substantiation of the expediency and the importance of teaching social sciences and humanities to engineering departments at technical universities. Attempts are made to analyze the state of contemporary economic theory and to formulate the main trends in the development of economic theory. The article introduces the authorial point of view on the tendencies of the contemporary economic theory and its development. It provides a background of the differences in sectoral and theoretical economics. It draws special attention to the content of the academic course in economic theory for future engineers and analyzes the difficulties and contradictions of organizational and methodological nature. The authors suggest the main guidelines and solutions to the problems being raised.
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Keywords: trends in the development of economics, economic theory, higher technical education, educational standard.
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Problems of teaching economic theory at technical university
Abstract. The article considers a range of issues on ideology, organization, technologies and methods of teaching economics to the students of engineering departments of technical universities in the 21st century in Russia in the context of globalization and integration into the world economy. It gives detailed information concerning the evolution and tradition of engineering education in Russia. Much attention is given to substantiation of the expediency and the importance of teaching social sciences and humanities to engineering departments at technical universities. Attempts are made to analyze the state of contemporary economic theory and to formulate the main trends in the development of economic theory. The article introduces the authorial point of view on the tendencies of the contemporary economic theory and its development. It provides a background of the differences in sectoral and theoretical economics. It draws special attention to the content of the academic course in economic theory for future engineers and analyzes the difficulties and contradictions of organizational and methodological nature. The authors suggest the main guidelines and solutions to the problems being raised.
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Keywords: trends in the development of economics, economic theory, higher technical education, educational standard.