About the issue
June 2014 (published: 11.06.2014)
Number 2(17)
Independent work in training managers foreign languages at higher school
Petrova O.D.
Abstract. Independent work in training managers foreign languages is a very important form of education. Aims and tasks must be set. The volume of work must be defined. Independent task should not be very long otherwise it leads to its nonfulfilment. Home tasks should be systematic otherwise they are understood as not compulsory .Work with vocabulary helps to enlarge the stock of words and to use these words while translating the texts and in speech. Independent work with the text includes oral or written translation and retelling of the text. Nowadays the use of information technologies is significant. Independent work including the search and analysis of information in the Net is of great importance in training of managers.
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Keywords: independent work,managers,training.
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Independent work in training managers foreign languages at higher school
Abstract. Independent work in training managers foreign languages is a very important form of education. Aims and tasks must be set. The volume of work must be defined. Independent task should not be very long otherwise it leads to its nonfulfilment. Home tasks should be systematic otherwise they are understood as not compulsory .Work with vocabulary helps to enlarge the stock of words and to use these words while translating the texts and in speech. Independent work with the text includes oral or written translation and retelling of the text. Nowadays the use of information technologies is significant. Independent work including the search and analysis of information in the Net is of great importance in training of managers.
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Keywords: independent work,managers,training.