About the issue
June 2014 (published: 11.06.2014)
Number 2(17)
Geo-economic and geopolitical views AE Vandam
Nuryshev G.N.
Abstract. The article considers the geo-economic and geopolitical views of the strategic analyst AE Vandam, his analysis of the geopolitical situation in the world on the eve of World War I, his vision of geo-economic and geopolitical challenges and threats to Russia.The article emphasizes that through all of AE Vandam takes home the idea that the main geopolitical and geostrategic enemy Russia has always supported and will play England.Therefore, the geopolitical struggle between Russia and the Anglo-Saxon world, in his opinion, continue all the twentieth century.The article reveals the vision of AE Vandam causes and course of the upcoming World War (including scenario unleashed), its outcome.The article notes that the AE Vandam clearly saw discrepancy higher long-term interests of its entry into the Russian Entente, which will force our country to participate in the upcoming big European war not for his own, and for the interests of others, mainly the interests of the British Empire.The focus of AE Vandam was and eastern vector of Russian geopolitics.He wondered how the country, the main part of which is in the East, pays no attention to its eastern strategy, losing game after game in the geopolitical game with the Chinese, Japanese, British and Americans.Shockingly analyzes AE Vandam geopolitical failures Russia and the Americas.
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Keywords: Geopolitics, geoeconomy,challenges, threats, geopolitical rivalry, the balance of power, the geopolitical hotspots.
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UDC 327
Geo-economic and geopolitical views AE Vandam
Abstract. The article considers the geo-economic and geopolitical views of the strategic analyst AE Vandam, his analysis of the geopolitical situation in the world on the eve of World War I, his vision of geo-economic and geopolitical challenges and threats to Russia.The article emphasizes that through all of AE Vandam takes home the idea that the main geopolitical and geostrategic enemy Russia has always supported and will play England.Therefore, the geopolitical struggle between Russia and the Anglo-Saxon world, in his opinion, continue all the twentieth century.The article reveals the vision of AE Vandam causes and course of the upcoming World War (including scenario unleashed), its outcome.The article notes that the AE Vandam clearly saw discrepancy higher long-term interests of its entry into the Russian Entente, which will force our country to participate in the upcoming big European war not for his own, and for the interests of others, mainly the interests of the British Empire.The focus of AE Vandam was and eastern vector of Russian geopolitics.He wondered how the country, the main part of which is in the East, pays no attention to its eastern strategy, losing game after game in the geopolitical game with the Chinese, Japanese, British and Americans.Shockingly analyzes AE Vandam geopolitical failures Russia and the Americas.
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Keywords: Geopolitics, geoeconomy,challenges, threats, geopolitical rivalry, the balance of power, the geopolitical hotspots.