Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
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SEPTEMBER 2011 (published: 01.09.2011)

Number 2(9)

Home > Issue > The doctrine of “controlled chaos” in the global geopolitics

UDC 327

The doctrine of “controlled chaos” in the global geopolitics

Nuryshev G.N.

Abstract. The article notes, that in modern conditions the interest to the mathematical theory of chaos starts to manifest itself in the research of historical and current global geopolitical processes, since the mathematical modeling becomes available. Works of western authors’ theories of “controlled chaos” in geopolitics are analyzed in the article. The main provisions of the geopolitical strategy of “controlled chaos” are disclosed. According to article, the conclusion, that in the world’s geopolitical redistribution, the doctrine of “controlled chaos” was in practice a convenient and efficient way of achieving its goals at an acceptable cost, is made.

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Keywords: Mathematical history, geopolitics of chaos, interpretational dictatorship, global networks, network wars, the color revolutions

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