Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
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MARCH 2011 (published: 01.03.2011)

Number 1(8)

Home > Issue > Global geopolitics and geoculture

UDC 327

Global geopolitics and geoculture

Nuryshev G.N.

Abstract. The article notes that in modern conditions the "soft" methods of influence are more relevant, that’s why the future domination in the world will depend on the cultural prevalence. Under these conditions the geocultural criteria begin to prevail in geopolitics and classical geopolitics is transformed into global geopolitics. The modern concepts of geoculture are analyzed in this article and the main semantic components, terms and definitions of geoculture are allocated on this basis. The interrelation of geocultural paradigm with geoeconomic and geopolitical approaches is also shown in the article. In the conclusion, it is underlined that the geopolitical strategy of Russia, claiming on the status of geocivilized pole, must lean on the cultural genotype of Russian civilization, a rich cultural heritage of our country’s nation.

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Keywords: Geoculture, world-system concept, civilized kernel, periphery, Russian world, geocultural criteria, cultural geographical images, geocultural space, geocultural paradigm, geocultural identity, geocivilized pole

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