Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
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SEPTEMBER 2012 (published: 10.09.2012)

Number 2(11)

Home > Issue > Ecology and Civilization: the search for a paradigm of the existence

UDC 159.938.362.63

Ecology and Civilization: the search for a paradigm of the existence

Shestakova I.G., Romanov Y.I.

Abstract. In this publication the authors examine the important issue of ecology of the biosphere. Throughout history mankind has always applied energy and material natural resources. Advanced manufacturing and the economy have increased dramatically this process. "Cost" principles of modern human life entail disastrous consequences. The optimal solution to the problem of nature is seen to create an international system of "environmental resource management".

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Keywords: ecology, biosphere, religion, degeneration, progress, civilization, environmental resource management

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