Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
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MARCH 2012 (published: 01.03.2012)

Number 1(10)

Home > Issue > The theoretical and methodological foundations of geo-economics

UDC 330.88

The theoretical and methodological foundations of geo-economics

Nuryshev G.N.

Abstract. The article notes that geoeconomics as the branch of the social sciences came into being in the middle of the 20th century at the intersection of economics and political science. This paper analyzes the theoretical and methodological foundations of geo-economics. Its basic semantic components, terminology and definitions are sorted out on that basis. The author shows the relationship of the geoeconomic paradigm with geo-cultural and geopolitical discourse. It is emphasized in conclusion that the international community has launched an unprecedented geo-economic division of the world, which leads to the formation of a new world order.

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Keywords: geo-economics, geo-finances, geo-economic atlas of the world, geo-economic matrix, geo-economic rent, marginal energetics, geoeconomic strategy

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