Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
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MARCH 2012 (published: 01.03.2012)

Number 1(10)

Home > Issue > Problems of economic reformation in new economic policy:

UDC 33

Problems of economic reformation in new economic policy:

Zasorina T.D.

Abstract. Now in Russia the economic reforms that were during an epoch of reorganization proceed begun. We can note, that not all transformations in economy sphere have positive results. In this article is devoted to the period of our history when Russia has faced a similar problem of transition from command-administrative economy of an epoch of «military communism» to economy with elements of the market relations, that has received the name of «new economic policy». In this article tax, administrative and legal tools of regulation of economic relations in agrarian and industrial sectors in the New Economic Policy are considered.

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Keywords: new economic policy, food allotment, food tax

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